A map accomodated to the writings of Fl. Iosephus, describing chiefly such places as ly without the Holy Land, & for the better description of them distinguished into four several draughts c 1725
Draught I describes the Garden of Eden according to Iosephus -- Draught II shews the plantation of the earth by the sons of Noah according to the same author -- Draught III represents chiefly the more remote places from the Holy Ld., mentioned by the same historian -- Draught IV contains chiefly the less remote places from the Holy Ld.Description:4 maps on 1 sheet ; 23 x 31 cm. or smaller, sheet 34 x 46 cm.Dedicated to the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of London by Edward Wells ; M. Burghers sculp.
Mounted on card.
Top left edge tatty. (see image)
Very scarce.
Mounted on card.
Top left edge tatty. (see image)
Very scarce.